Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Summer nights & weekends at the Lee's

If you are wondering how I spend my summer nights and weekends, then check this out Our Garden, or I should say "My Husband's Garden". I just do the canning and freezing.

I am only in my second week of putting up squash, which is producing daily, and I am already tired. This is just the beginning. Four squash plants, and they have to be picked almost everyday. The tomatoes have just started getting ripe this week. We will have enough to feed ten families.


Elizabeth said...

The garden looks GREAT Stacy! Tell Marcus, Henry, Ike, Bubba, Mater, Booty, and Creature I said Hey! I hope to see you soon! Miss you and love you! bye.

Al's Girl said...

Loooooking goooood!! You did great on Mr. Marcus's site - lol.

You are making me WAY TOO HUNGRY with your yummy vegetables. I need some of those tomatoes and squash. Best squash I have EVER eaten, btw!!


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Flame of Life

Aleksandr V. Ivantsov