Wednesday, November 02, 2005


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Project Valour-IT is a Soldiers Angels Project, which is dedicated to providing voice-controlled software and laptop computers to wounded soldiers.

I have joined in with BLACKFIVE to help raise money for our wounded soldiers. So all you ARMY bloggers, let see if we can win this one. Valour-IT's online fundraising competition begins today and will end on November 11, 2005. The goal is to raise enough money to purchase 30 laptops for our wounded soldiers who are not able to use their hands.

I have been keeping up with Captain Ziegenfuss @ TC Override who has helped get this project off of the ground. Captain Ziegenfuss arrived at Walter Reed this past summer after being wounded in Iraq. He returned to his home for a short while, but is now back at Walter Reed for additional surgery. The experience of Captian Chuck Ziegenfuss, who is a partner in this project who suffered hand wounds while serving in Iraq, illustrates just how important this voice-controlled software can be to a wounded soldier's recovery. Thanks Captain Ziegenfuss. We all wish you a speedy recovery.

Every donor during this time will receive a Soldiers' Angels Coin.

Let's all head over to BLACKFIVE and hit that MAKE A DONATION button and be a part of this wonderful project or you can donate straight from my blog. I will have it up at the top until the 11th.

The army team is doing great. I was #1 in the standings, but looks like Melinda has out-donated me, and she is currently #2. We will just have to see what we can do about her out-donating me. LOL...

Oops Melinda, seems neither of us are in the top five now.

Way to go Valour IT Army Team.


Melinda said...

Looks good to me, chica! Way to the big banner at the top!!

All the links took me where I needed to go. :)

Call Me Grandma said...

I'm going to link to you Stacy.
You do a better job with all the links then I do.
You are not going to believe this, but I went to the pay pal site to donate I went to get my credit card and my little wallet that I keep all my cards in is missing. I mean all my card social security, health cards, all cards. I don't put my bank debit in that little wallet so thank God I didn't lose that.
Me and hubby looked everywhere we even back tracked my step to places I went. I just got down canceling everything. I feel so dumb.Thank God for your post. Who knows how long it would have taken for me to notice my cards gone. I don't use them that often.
I will make a donation, soon.

Call Me Grandma said...

I think I clicked the wrong thing. I did not go over to the right sidebar and click. I clicked The Soldiers Angels in your post and made the donation. it said something about buying laptop computers for our soldiers. I guess I was suppose to click on the right sidebar thingee. It probably won't count for your drive Stacy...sorry.

Melinda said...

Isn't a good feeling to be outdonated??? :) Means the number in front of that comma can just get bigger & bigger & more & more computers are headed to our heroes! HOOAH!


Soldiers Angels


Flame of Life

Aleksandr V. Ivantsov