Soldiers' Angels Veterans Support Team needs your help and is asking for donations toward Vet Packs. All money raised for this fund will be used to create Vet Packs that will be given to homeless Veterans at events called Stand Downs. Stand Downs are held across the nation to help our homeless Veterans get a warm meal, new clothes, a shower, learn about their VA Benefits, and learn about other organizations that can help them and much more. Please help today by clicking the Donate button.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Help Save a Vet
Stay safe Stacy and family.
praying it loses strength and misses the coast... but I agree, it doesn't look good...
I don't even know how to pray about this... don't want it to hit our coast, but that means it hits somewhere else. Just want it to go away!
Agree with Some Soldiers Mom. Hope it loses strength but it doesn't look good.
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