Monday, March 23, 2009



The little man gets staples and stitches out Friday.  He says he is feeling much better now. 

Keep my nephew in your thoughts. He was attacked by a dog yesterday. He was very upbeat, but I suspect that he had a pretty rough night and is not feeling too spiffy this morning.  He says all the shots hurt the worst.   Lots of staples and stitches... 


Anonymous said...

That's horrible. Glad he's alright. Be a good aunt and spoil him!

kbug said...

Oh my gosh, that's terrible. I'll be praying for his speedy recovery. I hope they caught the dog...or is that what all the shots are for...rabies treatment?

Greta Perry said...

Poor little guy. Keep us posted!

Call Me Grandma said...

That is terrible. You hear to much of that anymore. Prayers going out his way.
He sure looks like a cutie.

Rachelle Jones said...

Honey, this is terrible news. Poor little guy...

prayers said, lots of them


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