I think I now own stock in the USPS...
We spent the morning getting the oil changed in Michael's truck, and yes Michael I even took the video camera and filmed them putting the right kind of oil in. I think that the guy thought that I had lost my mind, but I explained to him, that this was the very first time that someone besides you had changed the oil. I think that I made him nervous.
Michael's birthday is next month, and we decided that we would take the video camera and tell him happy birthday. Marcus did fine, me, I have not been able to tell him Happy Birthday yet, and don't know that I can without tearing up, and I wanted this to be fun and happy for him. I am fine filming everyone else, but I just can't seem to keep it together when I start thinking about what all I am going to say to him. I did get all of the animals acting crazy and doing tricks for him.
On Monday I will be mailing four packages and three envelopes. I have had a very busy day, rounding up goodies for some of the guys that have not received any mail. It was so much fun, trying to find stuff that had peanut butter in it, because the soldier that I was shopping for really likes it. I don't know how I managed to get everything that I had bought for him in two of the four boxes. The other two are for yes, you Michael. Your new tennis shoes, shorts and shirts will be on headed your wan come Monday. I hope that they make it to you before your four days of R&R on the Island.
This was the first day that I had missed Michael on the internet. Thanks to all my wonderful family and friends for calling me the minute he logged on.
yes, captive angels we are -- since you can't mail to our soldiers by any other means! There is legislation pending to let family members ship to soldiers free... I'll see if I can find the info on the proposal and post it up so people can write their congressional representatives. Have a wonderful Easter!
Well, we are "co-stock-owners", Stacy!! I spent $92 on pkgs. to Al and the guys that he is with last payday. And - this week is a packing week too! I have a "no mail" soldier to take care of too!
Good luck w/ the "Happy Birthday" - you're a good mom.
I am so glad I found your blog. I don't know how I got here, but I am sure glad I found you. My son is in the Pa. National Guard. He is in MS right now, training. He is going to Iraq in 4 months. I am scared to death. I thought I was some kind of a nut. I also count Dan's days,weeks and months until he comes home. But after reading your blog and 'Some Soldiers Mom' blog, I know I am not crazy, I am just a mom who is a afraid. I would love to ask you some questions, but I hate to do it on a public forum. I hope to read more of your post. It helps me to know there is others out there like me. God Bless our troops and please keep them safe...Cathy, A Military Mom
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