No Internet Cafe...
I received a long email today from Michael right before I left work, and he was panicky and agitated. He was sending an email since the internet cafe was closed. He had gotten up from a deep sleep at midnight his time, just so he could go to the internet cafe and "talk to his family", and the sign on the door said closed from 2000 to 0600. He was so disappointed.
We received another package today from him with two stainless steel coffee mugs and a CD with over 300 pictures, and a short note. We were up until almost midnight last night putting them in a photo album, but just one problem, no pictures of my soldier that I had not already seen. Lots of good pictures of everyone else, just not him.
Everything was fine with him, besides not being able to get on the internet and instant message with us yesterday.
I will post pictures in a few days.
I'll look forward to the pictures.
I still cannot get up a blogroll. Why did I need another blogsite?
Just passing through but thanks to your son for his brave service and to everyone back home supporting him and making it possible. May all the troops be safe and someday let the world be grateful for the good they've done. Hang in there.
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