Friday, July 01, 2005


Thank goodness for Fridays. I am so glad that I will have a long weekend. At least that is what I am saying today. Come Tuesday, I will be ready to go back to work.
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Sorry everyone, but no more annomyous comments. Some looser thought that I was being sinful and stupid in my post yesterday, and decided to leave me a really crappy comment. He thinks that I am going down the wrong path, as he put it. He also had the nerve to leave a phone number and email address, just in case anyone would like to get help to get back on the right path.
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Oh well, that is not going to stop this southern mom from pecking away at her keyboard to keep family and friends updated on her soldier. I will keep right on blogging and the heck with everyone who is against Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Hope everyone has a wonderful and patriotic holiday. I sure will...
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Heart-N-Soul Blinkies


Eye of the Potato said...

Looks interesting...
But I can't see single letter of text in your sidebar. I'm running Explorer on a Mac.

Just thought I'd let ya know...

Call Me Grandma said...

Unbelieveable, someone actually had the nerve to tell you how to think. I guess it takes all kind.
Have a great weekend and tell Michael thanks for serving our country. I'll be looking for your updates on your soldier. Have a great 4th! God Bless you and yours.

OpinionatedSOBinTN said...

Here's hoping and praying that Michael and all the brave men and women make it home safe and sound. I have a dear friend over there in the 278th NG from Tennessee.

Erik Holtan said...

Saw your note on my site!
Thank you for visiting.
Funny thing is that my last mission was at the 155th BCT at Camp Lima. And C co. medics are who we trained to do PDHA's.
SSG Reynolds was an old platoon mate of mine on active duty in the early 90's!
Anyways, the MSARNG were just awesome, and treated us well.
BTW, We visited Gulfport last year for spring break and the kids and us LOVED it!

abi said...

hi.. my boyfriend will be leaving for the airforce in oct. gives me creeps. makes me want to say "keep my soldier safe" too.

it makes me sad just thinking about it. oh well..

NannyKaren said...

Praying for your Michael. My USAF Son Is getting covered with Moms prayers too...Along with all of the troops.

Love reading you blog, and don't let the trolls get to you, Keep your chin up and go, go, go, girl!

carol said...

Hey Stacy,
Don't let this jerk keep you from letting us know what is going on with Micheal. He is an inspriation to us all and we continually want to know what is going on in his life. Thanks so much for being my friend and being there for me when times are bad and I will continue to be there for you the same way. I love you very much. Love, Carol


Soldiers Angels


Flame of Life

Aleksandr V. Ivantsov