Thursday, June 30, 2005

What is a real hero/star?

I received an email from a friend today sharing a column that he had come acrossEonline Final, and I thought I would share it with my military blog friends. It is worth the time and is so very true.

All the Hollywood stars just thought they were stars. Well they might have been at one time, but not any longer. Looks like our country has thousands and thousands of real heros and stars in the sand and stateside watching our backs and protecting us.

Hope you all enjoy.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

couldn't agree more mom, well said.
I just came across this blog today through a link on Big Al's, I'll be checking it regularly. Men (or women) who joined after 9.11 are actually fairly rare (unfortunately) and I should know, because I am one too. I was sworn in the same month as your hubby.
hang in there, and he's now on my prayer list too.


Soldiers Angels


Flame of Life

Aleksandr V. Ivantsov