Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Three years ago...

Just thinking...

Exactly three years ago today I was at the airport trying to deal with yet another good-bye to Michael as he was headed back to Iraq from his R&R. Strange how some dates just really stick with you.  Looks as though we have plenty more of those dates in our near future...

Then only 3 days later Katrina bombarded us.  

I have also had SSM on my mind as the anniversary of Noah getting injured was this month as well.

August just was not a good month in 2005...


Rachelle Jones said...


it was not

Greta Perry said...

I know it was not. Now my whole fam damily may be hanging with you if we evacuate. I'll bring the Margaritas!

liberal army wife said...

Nope. It sucked. My DH came home from TDY that month, for 8 days, and then went to Shelby for 6 months trainup. Now, we just got advised, he's off again to the litterbox - sometime next spring.

He did his first Patriot Guard ride yesterday, with the group escorting a WW2 bomber crew that was located in New Guinea earlier this year.



Soldiers Angels


Flame of Life

Aleksandr V. Ivantsov