Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Until I get my MacBook's hard drive replaced, this is it for pictures. I downloaded all the pictures to my apple computer that I took over the last few days and then deleted them from my camera. What a big mistake. As soon as I got through downloading them, my computer froze up. Apple is not suppose to do this. I have googled this morning the problem and what is showing up, and everything leads to the hard drive, so I will be headed off to the Apple store today to see if they can fix it. If not, I'm not going to be happy. My computer has over 11,000 pictures on it.  So until then, this is it for pictures.

Formation right before they were told to LOAD THE BUSSES...
Formation before the ceremony started.

Company Commander during an interview with the local radio station.
It was a sad day, but hopefully we will see him one more time in June before they fly out.


Sarah said...

Hang in there!...

Call Me Grandma said...

He is on my prayer list.
Praying it goes really fast for you all.

Guard Wife said...

I'm hoping for the same thing, Stacy. One more 'eyes on' time in June. It will mean a big road trip, but a fellow wife is willing to be my co-pilot. :)


Soldiers Angels


Flame of Life

Aleksandr V. Ivantsov