Tuesday, October 07, 2008


And it seems like it was just yesterday that I received that dreaded call that a mother never wants to receive...The voice on the other end saying "Michael has been in a motorcycle wreck.  We are at the University with him.  How long will it take you to get here.  They won't tell us anything since we are not kin to him..."  Don't think I will ever forget that conversation with his friend Benji...

I have spent last night and tonight going over almost two inches of medical records from when Michael had his motorcycle wreck two years ago tomorrow.   Looking for anything to do with his head injury.  Guess we dreamed up the frontal lobe injury and the two contusions on his brain that we were told that he had.  According to these records, they placed a tube in his lungs and he had several contusions to his lung.  Two years later and we are just finding that out.  I don't recall the tube coming out of his chest, and really don't think that there was one, as I would have remembered that I know.   I don't remember a whole lot of those first few days, but mostly remember two days later on the 10th when he finally woke up...

I don't know a lot about medical terms, but geez, these doctors can't write worth a crap...I need an interpreter to translate most of this jumbled up writing.  I have not found what we were looking for so far, but have learned that those nurses will write anything down on those charts...Funny how they never wrote down that they left us in the ICU waiting area for hours and hours and no one ever came in there to tell us that he made it through surgery and that he was resting peacefully in a room. Just in case anyone was wondering, I literally showed my ass on several occasions during his stay at our local Trauma Center... 

Tomorrow I will attempt to try to get through the day shedding only a few tears and try to focus on what lies ahead for Michael in 2009...

Two years later and it is still so very fresh on my mind.  I can only imagine what he will be thinking tomorrow...


Guard Wife said...

{{Hugs}}. It's hard to believe I've known yu long enough to remember this all too.

Good for you for showing your ass. It's a mother's prerogative.

Rachelle Jones said...

2 years? Where does time go...

Prayers fro you and yours for the upcoming challenges of the new year darling, it seems like all yal are rarely cut a darn break

Some Soldier's Mom said...

I rememebr so well... the call that night while you sped... er, drove quickly to the hospital... and the days after... Do you still have the helmet?? Maybe that will refresh some memories (and didn't you take some pictures?? that might show bandages... tubes... ) thinking of you both. love you guys.


Soldiers Angels


Flame of Life

Aleksandr V. Ivantsov