Thursday, June 18, 2009


Last night was a very long night for all. Not much sleep for any of us. Kristy did not get home until 0200 this morning, as she wanted to see the bus leave Camp Shelby. I did not warn her how hard that would be, but I felt for her and Michael for several hours as he was on the bus and she was standing outside watching. I know that feeling all to well. Did that same thing one cold night in January 2005, probably stood in that same location that she stood in.

We were all burning the texting up. Lots of copying and pasting going on. Very emotional night/morning for us all.

Heard from him again this morning on his first stop, which was still in the USA, then they were headed across the ocean.

He was at another undisclosed location this afternoon and was able to chat via yahoo instant messenger and text with him. I forgot how good that "YAHOO" sounds when he comes online. It's been so long since we had to use the instant messenger, but it won't be a problem getting back in the swing of things.

So I can now say as of this moment...BOOTS ARE ON THE GROUND, and we can start counting the days until he comes back home.

Stay Safe and we love you very much Michael.

1 comment:

Some Soldier's Mom said...

will count every agonizing day with you all. prayers and hugs for everyone.


Soldiers Angels


Flame of Life

Aleksandr V. Ivantsov